Introduction Items-curriculum

Hydrogeology is one of the four accredited study programs in the Geology Department; lectures are delivered at three levels: Basic academic studies, a 4-years program; Masters studies, a 1-year program; and PhD study, a 3-years program.

Development and present state of Department

From the time of the formation of the Group of Hydrogeology at the FMG (1971) until the formation of the Institute (1990), there was a four-year curriculum; in 1990, with the implementation of the third plan, the basic study program was extended to five-years.

The dynamic development of the hydrogeological profession and conditions of science appropriates changes in the educational process which not only monitors trends in this branch of geology in the country and throughout the world, but also the needs of the economy in the domain of research and exploitation of groundwater. With the adoption of the new Law on Higher Education 2005 and the adjustment of all higher education to the so-called Bologna process, the program has recently undergone changes:

The STUDY PROGRAM of Hydrogeology contains all elements prescribed by the Law on Higher Education concerning the basic, diploma academic and doctoral studies. Programs include a formulated purpose, aim and learning outcomes and provide for the acquisition of relevant titles established by the National Council for Higher Education.

Basic academic studies are performed during a four-year program (eight semesters). Every year provides 60 ECTS, which, for undergraduate studies, is a minimum of 240 ECTS. Each school year consists of two semestres, and each semester of 15 weeks (winter and summer). Students who successfully complete the basic academic studies in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the Faculty of Mining & Geology acquire the title Engineer of Geology for Hydrogeology.

The newest curriculum of basic academic studies puts special emphasis on greater contact with practices and concrete tasks that will become the professional work for future engineers of hydrogeology. This refers above all to the tasks of designing and creating exploitation wells and other hydrogeological objects, work in the field and implementation of field research methods, such as tapping, injecting and sampling for chemical analysis. A wide range of employment opportunities, especially in field work, processing of measurement data, hydrogeological research design (design of hydrogeological research) and other similar areas are open to graduate engineers after completion of their basic academic studies.

Graduate education through the process of diploma studies is constantly adapted to new knowledge in hydrogeology and related sciences, as well as the needs of practical scientific research work. In the previous graduate school of hydrogeology the following educational profiles were required study: Exploitation and protection of groundwater; Mineral, thermal and thermomineral water; Geothermal energy; Protection of groundwater; and Regional hydrogeology and hydrochemistry. According to the new plan, the Master diploma studies have no mandatory courses as such, but through diploma work and on the basis of chosen optional cases, the student actually selects one of two main profiles and proper scientific areas that now exist in Hydrogeology: 1 Water supply and management of groundwater resources, and 2 Hydrogeoecology.

The doctoral program of study combines compulsory and (s)elective courses to bring students toHYDROGEOLOGICAL "problems" according to their affinities and wishes for further development following their diploma academic studies.

From the formation of the Group for hydrogeology in 1971 until 2012, a total of 750 students earned the title Engineer of Geology for Hydrogeology. About 59 candidates in the past defended their Masters thesis, among them several foreigners. In the same period, Ph.D. candidates from different domains of hydrogeology and neighboring disciplines totaled 50.

It is also important to note that the interest of students in hydrogeology studies is constantly growing. In recent years, 35-40% of all students enrolled in the Department of Geology began as students of Hydrogeology; by the 3rd to 5th years of study, that number increased to include up to 50% of all Geology students

 Preconditions for implementation of the new curriculum and programs for hydrogeology

Implementation of the new curriculum and programs for the Department for Hydrogeology in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and the new Law on Higher Education raise the logical questions about staff, space, material and time conditions for implementation.

In relation to the current status, experience and potential of the Department, it was concluded that feasible goals allow for:

  • the increased involvement of teachers and assistants;
  • even greater commitment to the educational process as a primary activity;
  • additional work on the study of modern methodology and achievements in hydrogeology;
  • flexibility of all involved in the process a careful balancing of the volume of students that will put them at different levels of study;
  • careful selection and stimulation of younger staff, involving a staff of researchers in the teaching process, as well as future demonstrators and assistants - (MS and PhD students);
  • tutoring of smaller groups in the office of the teacher;
  • greater support of non-lecturing units and personnel of FMG with respect to the need for a much improved administration of selection of optional courses, evaluation of diplomas granted and examinations under previous administrations and programs of study, transferring of students between study groups, faculty, and such;
  • State provision of adequate financial compensation for work performed.